Fort Widley to Wymering

Fort Widley to Wymering
Carried out over three phases to meet circuit constraints, we undertook refurbishment works on the LPA & LPC Fort Widley to Wymering 132kV line.
Starting in arable land at Fort Widley substation, the OHLs cross several trunk roads including the A3, the electrified railway and through various housing schemes and minor roads, ending at Wymering near Portsmouth.
Due to steelwork condition on an existing PL1 tower, a new foundation was installed and a L4m DT E6 tower erected, requiring a temporary bypass on the network to maintain supply, whilst creating double circuit outage conditions to enable the works to proceed. Further, a PL4 tower was replaced piecemeal.
Tower member replacement and the necessary conductor and earthwire work was carried out on the remainder of the circuits with muffs replaced as required.